Sunday, March 9, 2008

The message of the church - a religious institution!

I saw 2 different church signs - one said "Reason is the greatest enemy of faith" and the other "Faith sees God - Intellect does not". I think I understand the intent behind these signs, but what is the message being received by the unchurched. Faith is unreasonable and counter to intelligence? If faith and reason can not coexist then we should not evangelize. To evangelize is to give the reason behind faith in God.

As Christ followers we unfortunately represent God to people that do not know Him. With that in mind we have to watch what we do and say. A never smiling follower sends the message God is not happy or fun. The statements on the above mentioned signs send the message we are idiots. I believe God gave us intellect and the ability to reason and it is OK to use it.

I do not want to attack the church or give that appearance. I was doing and saying these same things and feel like my eyes have been opened. If the American church was growing and making a difference in our society and culture I would not question the methods, but we have no results. No results are not due to the invalidity of God and scripture, so I must question our methods. Have we sent the message that God, scripture and the church are irrelevant?

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