Saturday, January 29, 2011

I am not stupid!

New series for the next 3 weeks is about our financial intelligence.  Most of us are not stupid, but when it comes to money we make some very stupid choices.  If we are not that stupid then why are we broke, in debt and buy stuff we don't need or even want.  Using biblical principles we will be addressing these questions for the next 3 weeks.  Side note: Morning band is back for the 11am service!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


What does communion mean to you?  Jesus did this ritual only once shortly before being crucified and told His disciples to do it in remembrance of Him.  Many make a big deal about the type of bread and if it was wine or juice, but it appears Jesus' point was that His body and blood was life sustenance for us.  He did not seem to concerned about what holiday they were observing or what type of bread or drink was available - Jesus seemed focused on the point that His body would be broken and blood shed for us and we needed to remember what He was going to do.

Later in scripture we find some more instructions regarding communion.  One in particular was to not participate in the ceremony in an unworthy manner - that it was not to be taken lightly, rather as a serious time of reflection about what Jesus had done for you.  It is clear that part of participating was a real relationship with God through Christ.  At The Bridge we take communion seriously as a time of remembrance of what Jesus did for us.  Because it is meant for the believer we do not offer communion during service times, but set up a special time each month for communion.  This way the first time attenders at The Bridge that may not have a current relationship with Christ will not feel excluded during the ceremony.

When we remember what Jesus did we most often gather in a circle, share in the bread and juice and then share what Jesus did and is doing in our lives.  It is a great time of bonding and fellowship.  Our current schedule for communion is at 12:30 and 6:30 pm after the services the week after the Dinner at The Bridge each month.  Hope you can join us some time.  Let me know what Jesus did for you!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

God is Bigger

We continue with our theme of God is Bigger in all that we do.  He surpasses all of our problems, provides beyond our asking and is greater than any dream we might have!  Our new service times are Saturday at 6 pm, Sundays at 11 am and 5 pm.  Continuing in our growth.  God is Bigger!

Chain Reaction

New name for the new church being started on the East side of Flint is Chain Reaction!  Chain refers to the connection or link to our Creator made possible by Christ and the Reaction is about the movement starting in Genesee county.  It is starting with a small group of people, but the Chain Reaction will explode into the community and change lives radically because of God working through His people.  Tony and Traci will be great as the planting couple.  It is the very beginning - the launch team is still to be found, but the word is getting out.  I am excited about this next church launch and what is going to happen on the East side!  We have a potential planter in the wings for the future also - more on that at a later date.

Road trip

Heading out with the family for some R&R and some coaching from my church planting coach.  I love the time I get to spend with leaders that have done what I am attempting.  It is great to soak up some wisdom, get challenged on my thinking and grow because of it!  8 hours in the car with the family is a great bonding time as well.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Did another wedding at The Bridge today.  I love being a part of new beginnings - whether a new spiritual beginning or a marital beginning or kids.  It is a real privilege to be a part of such a significant event in peoples lives!  This couple chose to have their initials tattooed on each others ring finger as a symbol of their lifetime commitment.  I like that level of commitment!  Praying for them as they begin this new life together in a tough economy, tough circumstances (job and home) and a society that says honoring commitments is not as important as "feeling" good.  As long as they keep trusting God in this relationship they will peace, joy and love!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our God is bigger

We sing Our God is Greater at The Bridge often. Love that song because it reminds me that God is always bigger and more capable than I believe. When I am confident He can do this much He can really do so much more. When I believe He loves me or others that much He really loves so much more. When I think He is calling me to this level of service He really is empowering me to do so much more! My God is bigger than anything that can come my way! This year I am trying to chase after God sized plans and dream - although I know I will fall short I would rather fall short of reaching the peak of Mt Everest than falling short of reaching the top of the local hill! What is your God sized dream?