Tuesday, April 29, 2008


- I have been reading a book called The Truth War. This book has some good stuff in it about truth, but makes big assumptions about churches that are doing things in a new way. Some of the info about the postmodern way of thinking was enlightening. This way of thinking is typified by relativism, truth to you is different than truth to me. The one intolerance allowed is against anyone that would say this is right and you are wrong. The authors contention is churches that are seeker sensitive are following this type of thinking - anything goes just don't be critical. I disagree on this point with the author vehemently. I have been impressed with the seeker sensitive churches I have visited and how they have been straight forward on the truth. They did not compromise one bit and neither will we. A watered down gospel is not only wrong it is ineffective. A church that will not change with the times is not sticking to the truth, rather only sticking to a time frame. Being unwilling to change is not a sign of being a truth devotee, rather it is a sign of a church that has lost sight of God's will.
- I have been reading another book called Every Man's Battle. This book addresses issues discussed in previous blogs here - the issue of men, their eyes and thoughts. I highly recommend this book to all men and women. It is vital to understanding the battle men face with their thought life and roaming eyes.

1 comment:

Kent said...

Truth is not relative....or it would not be truth. The pharisees were intent on being the experts in religious truth, and Christ challenged them for this because they were not teaching truth to those that they were ministering to in a way that they could find value in (relevance). People who are critical of "seeker friendly" churches make the assumption that the truth of the Gospel is being forsaken for "flashy shows" in order to build numbers. This opinion is usually held by pastors who pastor dying churches who are ineffective at reaching the lost... and I think Jesus said a few things about this. It should not matter if I tell someone about the love of God, Sepparation of sin, and Hope we have in Christ's grace in English, German, Japanese, or any other language. This is what a "seeker friendly" church is doing. Sharing the Truth in a language that the people in the streets will understand. Kind of like penticost...you know... where the believers got up out of their pews, went into the streets, and ministered to the people so that they would understand and receive the message.