Saturday, January 22, 2011


What does communion mean to you?  Jesus did this ritual only once shortly before being crucified and told His disciples to do it in remembrance of Him.  Many make a big deal about the type of bread and if it was wine or juice, but it appears Jesus' point was that His body and blood was life sustenance for us.  He did not seem to concerned about what holiday they were observing or what type of bread or drink was available - Jesus seemed focused on the point that His body would be broken and blood shed for us and we needed to remember what He was going to do.

Later in scripture we find some more instructions regarding communion.  One in particular was to not participate in the ceremony in an unworthy manner - that it was not to be taken lightly, rather as a serious time of reflection about what Jesus had done for you.  It is clear that part of participating was a real relationship with God through Christ.  At The Bridge we take communion seriously as a time of remembrance of what Jesus did for us.  Because it is meant for the believer we do not offer communion during service times, but set up a special time each month for communion.  This way the first time attenders at The Bridge that may not have a current relationship with Christ will not feel excluded during the ceremony.

When we remember what Jesus did we most often gather in a circle, share in the bread and juice and then share what Jesus did and is doing in our lives.  It is a great time of bonding and fellowship.  Our current schedule for communion is at 12:30 and 6:30 pm after the services the week after the Dinner at The Bridge each month.  Hope you can join us some time.  Let me know what Jesus did for you!

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