Monday, April 25, 2011


 Great Easter service!  Lot of new faces, new record attendance and just a great time!  April was the first month we have averaged 400 in weekly attendance.  We have been steadily growing all along with tremendous increases each month for the past 5 months.  We are seeing God changing lives weekly.  Following is from an email I sent out to our prayer partners - this tells more of the story of what is happening at The Bridge:  My intern that is being prepared for church planting is now preaching our second service on Sundays and doing a great job.  We are adding an early service at 9 am on Sundays in a matter of weeks.  We are in the process of closing on the building, 33,000 sq ft for $275k with $130k down and interest free payments of $2417 monthly for 60 months to pay it off.  We have initiated a salary for the Lead Pastor and Childrens Pastor (pastors wife) for the first time.  This summer we have a program for kids during the weekdays to
serve the community by offering a type of daycare for free with an emphasis on breaking generational issues.  We have over 20 community groups meeting in our building weekly with another 10 Bridge Connection groups meeting each week.  Our average weekly attendance for the past 12 weeks is 321 and for the past 4 weeks 400.  Our giving has been up overall, but per capita is down due to the large influx of people over the past few months that are new to church attending and are just learning the blessings of giving.  Many new relationships with Christ each month and a constant trickle of baptisms to go along with that. We have our sad stories that occur as well - buried several people in the past few months that were needless deaths, but one of those was still a beautiful story and her family is still being ministered to.  We continue to operate in faith knowing this is all beyond our capabilities and can only be done by God.  We continue to work on fundraising to increase our abilities to help others and grow the Kingdom.  Thank you for your prayers!

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