Friday, May 10, 2013

The Return

We have permanent occupancy of our building on Corunna Rd now!  We still have the building on University Ave also.  Our Corunna Rd campus is open for use for the northern half of the building - 16,000 sq ft.  We are excited to be back!  God has opened doors for us that we could not have.  It cost us over $60,000 to get back in and that was all raised from outside donors.  Our regular tithes and offerings have continued to go for the regular bills of the church - utilities, mortgage, insurance, consumables, etc.  Our attendance is less than half of what it was before our building got closed down and offerings are also less than half.  As we rebuild our ministries that were done out of this building we are confident that more people will be reached and our offerings will increase to the point we can cover all the costs of the ministry we do.  God has been good to us and we know He has a plan to use The Bridge to reach our community.  Many thanks to so many volunteers that put in over $40,000 worth of labor to help us get the renovations done - the contractors that gave some of their labor for free - the stores that donated materials - all those that have prayed for us and the few donors that gave us the money to pay for the rest!

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